Compass Transport, LLC

Landing a Contract Before ​They're Even Operating

How a new company was able to land a contract before they are even ​fully operating by having the branding needed to look ready to go.


Compass Transport, LLC


NEMT, Taxi


Northern Virginia



Medicaid/Medicare Brokers, ​Medicaid/Medicare Patients


Friendly, Modern, Clean, ​Professional


Company launched and landed first contract December 2022. Ongoing office administration.


Branding, Website Design and Copy Write, Print+Merch Design and Sourcing, Office Administration, ​Communications Set Up (Phone Systems, Email System)

Compass Transport, LLC is a NEMT Provider based in Northern Virginia. Compass was established in November 2022 and ​landed their first contract in December of 2022, before they had even finalized everything on the back end of the ​company. This was in part due to the branding and online presence launched immediately upon establishment.

While the president of the company has owned and operated in multiple other NEMT Provider companies across the ​North East, this time he knew what he needed to be prepared. The NEMT Industry is booming, with new providers popping ​up daily. Fortunately for Compass, very few of these companies are investing in branding, copy writing or basic ​professional measures like email signatures and business cards, causing many of them to get lost in the swell of other ​providers.

For Compass, the team had the branding, strategy and frameworks laid out as the months-long process of obtaining ​operating authorities, business permits, insurances, and more was just starting.

The branding had to be focused on two very separate, but equally important, parties: the brokers, who sign contracts and ​pay providers, and the clients, who get to choose their providers based off personal preference. The brokers look for ​reliability and integrity above all else, whereas the clients would prefer their experience (the drivers, the ride, the vehicles ​and the contacts) be the primary concern. To address both parties, a mission was created, that all branding and strategy ​would be based off: "Committed to our customer's experience, without compromising on integrity, honesty or respect".

The logo was designed to be simple, easy to recognize and even more memorable; a combination of a traditional ​compass and the letter 'C'. While the idea behind the logo is not groundbreaking, it will help both brokers and clients ​(many of whom are ill or elderly) to easily recall their experiences with Compass. Color psychology was also applied when ​choosing the color palette: calm and comforting blues, that invoke a friendly, professional and modern vibe.

After the mission, the color palette and the logo were finished, the next big step was having a simple website that would ​easily share with the brokers who Compass is. Due to the nature of the business, there's no way to directly book rides ​with providers, so almost the entire purpose of the website was to stand out to brokers by letting them know we are ​honest, hardworking people who will take good care of your clients (and of course, the copy to convince them and the ​facts to prove it).

While considering long term goals, a variation of the logo was created that was modern and fun. This logo is the simple ​white 'compass' over a gradient blue background. The use for this branding is actually to entice a third group in the long-​term: future employees. The team at Compass hopes to expand the business (with a sister company in NY already in ​progress!), and hopes to draw in different types of people, especially young people, looking to create a fulfilling career ​here. The branding is applied to an on-boarding kit for new hires, that can be shared in networking platforms like Linkedin. ​The extra onboarding promotional material can also be used a freebies to new clients, to help them remember the name ​the next time they need to request a ride through their broker.

First Onboarding Kit Concept Above - Rejected because ​the style strayed too far from the original look and branding.

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